Safeguarding & Child Protection
Child Protection and Safeguarding
At Cocoon Kids:
Safeguarding and child protection is paramount
We have NSPCC Advanced Level 4 Safeguarding Training for Named Health Professionals (Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Counsellors and Therapists have a Full Enhanced DBS Certificate - update service
All other child and young people-facing workers hold a current Enhanced DBS Certificate
We receive yearly Safeguarding training and adhere to Safeguarding guidelines
Counsellors and Therapists are members the British Association of Play Therapists (BAPT) and the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and adhere to their professional and ethical guidelines
GDPR and Data Protection
Please read: Privacy, Cookies & Terms & Conditions for full details
Cocoon Kids complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), has a Data Protection Officer (Controller) registered with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO). We follow BAPT and BACP ethics, advice and procedures.
Data Protection
Data held may include:
Personal details for the child or young person that we work with
Contact details for parents and carers that we work with
Contact details for businesses and organisations that we work with
Therapeutic notes and assessments (see below)
Correspondence related to the therapeutic work
Data storage:
Paper data is kept securely, in a locked filing cabinet
Electronic data is password protected in cloud storage or on a hard-drive
Data is kept in relation to the specific service or product used
No data or personal details are shared with a third party unless we are legally obliged to do so
Before sessions can begin a consent form must be signed by the person holding legal guardianship
Complaint procedures
Please contact Cocoon Kids directly at contactcocoonkids@gmail.com if you would like to raise a concern or have a complaint
If you have a concern or complaint about Cocoon Kids, but feel unable to talk to us directly you can gain information and/or follow the complaints procedure on the BAPT website: https://www.bapt.info/contact-us/complain/

Please note: The information provided above is a brief summary.
Please read: Privacy, Cookies & Terms & Conditions for full details.
Further details will be provided prior to the therapeutic contract being signed and any sessions beginning, so that you, the child or young person, or your organisation may make an informed decision about whether or not you wish to proceed.
If you would like to know more, please contact us directly.
If you have signed up for the update service, or provided your contact details through any other method and wish to withdraw this, you may do so at any time.
Contact us at: contactcocoonkids@gmail.com and put 'UNSUBSCRIBE' in the message header.