Adult Counselling & Therapy Services
There are a range of free services available on the NHS that can support adults with their mental health. As with all counselling and therapy, it is important that you ensure that the service offered is appropriate to your need. Contact any service that you wish to use directly to discuss your options.
Please note: These services are not CRISIS services.
Call 999 in an emergency.
Cocoon Kids is a service for children and young people. As such, we do not endorse any specific type of adult therapy or counselling listed. As with all counselling and therapy, it is important that you ensure that the service offered is appropriate for you. Please therefore discuss this with any service that you contact.

Ieso Digital Health and the NHS offer free 1:1 online text CBT therapy sessions for adults living in England.
Sessions can be offered to support you with anxiety, stress, depression and other mental health difficulties.
Appointments are available from 6am - 11pm, seven days a week. Further information is available on their website at: For general enquiries or help creating an account, contact them directly on 0800 074 5560 9am-5:30am.
Follow the IESO Digital Health link to find out more and to sign up.

NHS Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT)
If you live in England and are aged 18 or over, you can access NHS psychological therapies (IAPT) services. They offer talking therapies, such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), counselling, other therapies, and guided self-help and help for common mental health problems, like anxiety and depression.
A GP can refer you, or you can refer yourself directly without a referral. Follow the NHS psychological therapies (IAPT) link to find out more.
Reminder: These services are not CRISIS services.
Call 999 in an emergency that requires immediate attention.
Cocoon Kids is a service for children and young people. As such, we do not endorse any specific type of adult therapy or counselling listed. As with all counselling and therapy, it is important that you ensure that the service offered is appropriate for you. Please therefore discuss this with any service that you contact.