How we feel about the riots in the UK at the moment:
Callum: I felt worried for my neighbours, friends and local businesses who were at risk of being attacked. I have known these people and shopped at these businesses for years. They are our community. They belong here. I stand with anybody who has been impacted by the violence so far. I saw what happened in other places in the news and was worried the same horrible things were going to happen in my area.
Beth: Living in the Northeast, there have been many riots recently that have impacted my community. Sadly, there are some still waiting to happen which makes me feel anxious. Some of my friends don’t feel safe leaving their homes, whilst others are frightened to visit certain areas. To prepare for the next few days, my friends and I have organised safe meet up points. Last weekend, I took part in a city ‘Clean Up’ which shared some much-needed hope and light in these very sad times.
Finding a moment of calm:
How are you feeling? When we're anxious, here's an exercise that we like to do. it only takes a couple of minutes and we can even do it from the comfort of the sofa. Perfect.

Please look at the image below for help. Hold out your hand and spread your fingers. Take your fingers on your other hand and place it next to your thumb.
As you breathe in, trace your finger to the top of your thumb.
As you breathe out, trace your finger down the other side of your thumb to get to the next finger.
Repeat for each of your fingers until you get to the outside of your pinky finger.
You can repeat this as many times as you like until you feel calm
We thought that we'd finish by highlighting some recent positive news from the last couple of days which show that lots of people stand against the violence we've been seeing on our streets.
Positive News:

People in Accrington came together to show their respect to a group of Muslim counter-protestors marching peacefully in the streets; it was a powerful moment when pub goers came up to some of the people marching and began hugging them.
Credit: The BBC

"The whole community has come together this evening to show that hate and racism has no place in Hounslow, and that our diversity, friendship, and tolerance is our strength... thank you to all the police officers who keep our streets safe."
Credit: Heston Action Group on Twitter
Lots of love from the Cocoon Kids' team
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