Our Prices - Services & Products

Income shouldn't be a barrier to accessing good quality therapeutic services
As a not-for-profit, all of our surplus makes sure that we can continue to provide fully-funded sessions for families who can't ordinarily afford them. Our paid for and private fee sessions ensure that we can cover the session fees for children, young people and families who are on low incomes, receive benefits and live in social housing.
Whether you're a child, young person, parent or carer, or part of an organsiation, you'll get the same great service from us.
Business, organisations and schools
Sessions fees from £65 per session, per half-term (minimum 6-weeks)
Reduced fees available for multiple sessions booked for the same day
Face to face, or telehealth (Zoom or phone)
Flexible in school, afternoon or evening sessions
Telehealth available during school day, afternoon, or evening where child misses school through absence, isolating or trips (including Covid-19, '48 hour bug', exclusion)
Term-time and out of term-time sessions
A number of full and partially funded sessions are available for children and young people whose families meet our criteria
What this gives you:
Fully qualified and experienced creative counsellors and play therapists
BAPT and MBACP registered professionals
Bespoke sessions individually tailored for children and young people ages 3-19 years
Parent and carer, and infant and sibling support and work available
Positive, noticeable and measureable outcomes:
Flexible service that meets the specific needs of your families
We help you to meet your Pupil Premium and disadvantaged children and young people's targets
We help you to meet your children and young people's mental health and wellbeing EHCP needs
Referrers report significant improvements in self-esteem and autonomy, as well as lessened anxiety and improved self-regulation
Referrers report reduced need for referral to other services and significant improvements in engagement and attendance
Service outline:
Face to face or telehealth (phone or online) sessions
Assessments, feedback and end of sessions reports
All calls and meetings organised by us
Creative and play therapy resources provided
Support, strategies, resources and training packages for parents and carers and other professionals
Local Education Authority, Personal Health Budgets (PHBs), Social Services, and charitable body payments all accepted
Discounts for longer-term booking
Contact us by email to discuss on the phone, meet online, or at your organisation
Children, young people and families
Sessions from £70
No charge for initial meeting - you can make sure that we're right for you
No minimum number of sessions
Block booking and Direct Debit discount available
Face to face, or telehealth (Zoom or phone)
Flexible in school, afternoon or evening sessions
Term-time and out of term-time sessions available
A number of full and partially funded sessions are available for children and young people whose families meet our funding criteria
What this gives you:
Fully qualified and experienced creative counsellors and play therapists
BAPT and MBACP registered professionals
Bespoke, personalised sessions for children and young people aged 3-19 years
Option to include family, infant and sibling support
Significant positive improvements for your child:
Family regularly feedback and tell us about the postive difference that our sessions have made for their child, young person and family
Children and young people share the positive changes that they notice
They tell us they're much more confident, happy and feel more able try new things, for instance
Service outline
Flexible, personalised service
Face to face or telehealth (phone or online) sessions
Daytime or evening meetings at times to suit by Zoom or phone
Child or young person owns their sessions, and is involved in feedback and meetings
Support and strategies, including sibling and family work available
Resources available to buy for home, or school
Contact us by email to discuss on the phone, or arrange an online or face to face meeting in your home

Training Packages & Support Packages
Packages from £150
Wellbeing and Self-care Packages
include all resources
attendeed receive a take home pack
Training and Support Package
run for between 60-90 minutes
can be tailored to your specific needs
Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Training Package
topics include: bereavement support for Covid-19, Trauma, ACEs, self-harm, transitions, anxiety
sensory integration and regulatory strategies
other topics available on request
Small Group support Packages for families and other professionals
specific to the work with one child or young person available
also covers more generalised support
Play packs
Resources from £4 for 4 items
Play Packs
sensory regulatory resources
include some of the items which we use within our sessions
stress balls, sensory light-up toys, fidget toys, mini putty and more
Portable and hand-held
for home, school, care organisations, everywhere
Sensory processing and feedback
neuroscience shows sensory resources are beneficial
help children and young people as well as adults, to self-regulate
provide sensory neural feedback
support children, young people and adults with sensory needs
great for supporting people with Autism and ADHD, Dementia and Alzheimer's